Research & Teaching
I am an affiliate researcher in the Centre d'analyse politique - Constitution et Fédéralisme (CAP-CF) at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), an associate member of the Centre d’Études et de Recherches Comparatives sur les Constitutions, les Libertés et l’État (CERCCLE) of the Université de Bordeaux, and within the Courts & Politics Research Group. I am also an advisor to the steeting committee of ACFAS-Toronto..
I am currently involved in several research initiatives. I am writing a book on the history and impact of the Court Challenges Program of Canada. My other research projects pertain to the determinants of judicial decision-making at the Supreme Court of Canada, Canada's compliance with international law, public signage policy, and the bilingualism of Canadian legislators online. Below are my peer-reviewed and book chapter publications. Further below are the courses I teach on a regular basis at the University of Windsor.
Emmanuelle Richez. "L’équivalence réelle en matière d'éducation pour les Franco-colombiens: une lutte sans fin ?” Forthcoming. La francophonie en Colombie Britannique : Éducation, diversité et identités, edited by Geneviève Brisson and Rémi Léger. Quebec City: Presses de l’Université Laval (Perspectives de l’Ouest).
Stéphanie Chouinard and Emmanuelle Richez. “The Tension Between Freedom of Expression and Language Rights in Canada: The Ford and Devine Legacy after Thirty Years.” 2021. Freedom of Expression in Canada, edited by Emmett MacFarlane. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Corinne Allsop and Emmanuelle Richez. “Policy Commissions and Representation of Indigenous Women Issues: A Case-Study of the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party of Canada.” 2021. Canadian Public Administration 64(1): 1-23.
Emmanuelle Richez and Emilie Weidl. “Unité canadienne et justice linguistique : Retrospective sur le bilinguisme officiel à la Trudeau.” 2020. Supreme Court Law Review Second Series 99: 383-408.
Emmanuelle Richez, Vincent Raynauld, Abby Agi, and Arief Kartolo. “Unpacking the Political Effects of Social Movements with a Strong Digital Component: The Case of IdleNoMore in Canada.” 2020. Social Media + Society (Special Issue on Marginality and Social Media, edited by Katy Pearce, Brooke Foucault-Welles, and Amy Gonzales) April-June 2020: 1-13.
Emmanuelle Richez and Vincent Raynauld. “Une nouvelle vague de luttes autochtones : Étude de l’impact politique du mouvement Idle No More.” 2020. Peuples autochtones et politique au Québec et au Canada : Identités, citoyennetés et autodétermination, edited by Stéphane G. Marceau, Jean-Olivier Roy and Daniel Salée. Montreal: Presses de l’Université du Québec, coll. Politeia.
Emmanuelle Richez and Vincent Raynauld. “Dynamics of Digital Constituent Outreach and Engagement in Linguistically Divided Societies: A Quantitative Look at the Canadian Case.” 2019. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 15(3): 261-81.
Emmanuelle Richez and Erin Crandall. “Judicial Discretion as Political Choice: The Supreme Court of Canada’s Cost Awarding Power.” 2018. Canadian Journal of Political Science 51(4): 929-47.
Vincent Raynauld, Emmanuelle Richez, and Katie Boudreau Morris. “Canada is #IdleNoMore: Exploring Dynamics of Indigenous Political and Civic Protest in the Twitterverse.” 2018. Information, Communication Society 21(4): 626-42.
Emmanuelle Richez. “The Possibilities and Limits of Provincial Constitution-Making Power: The Case of Quebec.” 2016. Constitutional Amendment in Canada, edited by Emmett MacFarlane. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Emmanuelle Richez. “Losing Relevance: Quebec and the Constitutional Politics of Language.” 2015. Osgoode Hall Law Journal 52(1): 191-233.
Emmanuelle Richez. “Rights-based Judicial Review and Substantive Equality for Aboriginal Peoples: The Case of Canada.” 2014. Australian Indigenous Law Review 17(2): 26-46.
Emmanuelle Richez. “Francophone Minority Communities: The Last Constitutional Standard Bearers of Trudeau’s Language Regime.” 2012. International Journal of Canadian Studies 45-46: 35-53.
Emmanuelle Richez and Marc André Bodet. “Fear and Disappointment: Explaining the Persistence of Support for Quebec Secession.” 2012. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 22(1): 77-93.
Lori Hausegger, Matthew Hennigar, Troy Riddell and Emmanuelle Richez. “Exploring the Links between Party and Appointment: Canadian Federal Judicial Appointments from 1989 to 2003.” 2010. Canadian Journal of Political Science 43(3): 633-59.